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Swiss Art Expo 2023: Live painting mannequins

Swiss Art Expo: 6-10.09.2023

Hello, there!

I just arrived back from Switzerland, where I've participated in the Swiss Art Expo. I was live painting my mannequins at the Zurich HB. It was an unforgettable experience, I enjoyed talking to people there, and the artists, who also participated. The journey itself was quite challenging. We had to travel for 2 days by car, because of all the mannequins that had to be transported to Zurich. I couldn't send them by plane, otherwise they could be accidentally damaged by the shipping company.

Below I've posted some of the photos from the Swiss Art Expo.

Opening Ceremony at the Zurich HB

Photos above by Leila Yu.

I managed to finish painting the "Tribute to M. Moskwa" mannequin (black, with flowers), and I started painting the colourful mannequin, inspired by "L'Ange Protecteur" by Niki de Saint Phalle.

Last thoughts regarding the Swiss Art Expo? I'm glad I went there and showcased my mannequins. I've had some really interesting conversations with the viewers, and the artists. I'm also grateful to the organiser Patricia Zenklusen for including me among the Live Painters at the expo. If not for her decision, I wouldn't even be there. Zurich is a lovely city, and hopefully I'll get to travel there once more.


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