Power of Art: Yellow & Green
Good news! I qualified for both exhibitions organized by Art Imperium "The Power of Art": Green and Yellow! Those are some of the works that I'll be showcasing at Koneser in March :)
Yellow will take place from 2-14th of March, Green: from 16-30th of March 2019.
Address: Center Prague Conoisseur, Plac Konesera 2, 03-736 Warsaw.
Below you'll find more information about the exhibitions that will be taking place in March.

Fern Flower, giclee graphic print, 2017.

The Basilisk, giclee graphic print, 2015.

Autumn Gumtree, acrylics and mixed media on canvas, 2018.

Untitled 3, acrylics and mixed media on canvas, 2017.

Autumn Gumtree, acrylics and mixed media on canvas, 2018.