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Nowa Dostawa Grafik!
Fresh delivery of graphics for sale at Art of Poland gallery!
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Wystawa ONA/SHE w Salonie Volvo: wernisaż
Chciałam serdecznie wszystkim podziękować za przybycie na moją wystawę 7 marca “SHE/ONA” w Volvo Cars Poland Warszawa (przyszło ponad 70...
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Helix Omega at Andie Art in Athens
Helix Omega at Andie Art in Athens.
Good new, my mannequin "Helix Omega" is being shown on screen at the art gallery in Athens, Andie Art.
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Discovering the Optimistic Side of Chopin: An Experience at the Nicoleta Gallery
My "Optimistic Chopin" has been showcased at the Nicoleta Gallery in Berlin! Address: Kantstrasse 17, 10623 Berlin, Germany. The...
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Swiss Art Expo: My interview
Swiss Art Expo: interview with Kama Arts about live painting mannequins. In Zurich HB, Switzerland.
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Piktografikon: Miniatury warszawskie
Piktografikon to wystawa, która odbędzie się w październiku 2023 w Okręgu Warszawskim ZPAP na Mazowieckiej 11A. Wystawa jest inspirowana...
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Summer Solstice
Hope everyone had a great Summer Solstice! Here is an old graphic of mine I created, which fits perfectly with the Summer Solstice theme...
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Art Party and Art Box exhibition in Basel
Art Party in Basel where my #Cleopatra is shown at the #ArtBoxProject in Basel, at the EuroAirport. Unfortunately I couldn’t make it...
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Seoul Illustration Fair: update
Hey, there! I wanted to share some of my promotional images for Seoul Illustration Fair vol.15 at COEX C-Hall in Seoul, 6-9th of July. My...
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Targowisko Sztuki w Maju. Art Fair in May.
Przypominam, że 13-14 maja od 11-18:00 odbędzie się ostatnie przed wakacjami TARGOWISKO SZTUKI / KONESER VOL.13 w Koneserze w Warszawie....