5 min read
New graphics: wildlife illustration
A new collection of wildlife graphics created by yours truly.

1 min read
My mannequin Felis Silvestris in Zurich
Hello, Everyone! I have some good news to share. I'll be participating for the third time in the Swiss Art Expo in Zurich HB, with my...

1 min read
Art Party at the EuroAirport in Basel
Photos from yesterday’s Art Party exhibition, organised by the ArtBox Project, Euroaiport in Basel. My painted mannequin, Niki, inspired by

1 min read
My Golden Duck graphic sold
Another graphic sold at the Art of Poland Art Gallery :D At this rate, I'll have to print new graphics. Speaking of graphics, I submitted...

1 min read
New Video: a short introduction
I'd like to share a video I created yesterday for a job application.
In it, I talk about being an illustrator, where I'm based, etc.

1 min read
Triptych "Warsaw Legends" sold!
Good news, three of my graphics have been sold at the Art of Poland Gallery on 16/18 Piwna St. in Warsaw. It was a triptych inspired by